Recent news
Gain of 1q confers an MDM4-driven growth advantage to undifferentiated and differentiating hESC while altering their differentiation capacity
Krivec et al. 2024, Cell Death and DiseaseSALL3 mediates the loss of neuroectodermal differentiation potential in human embryonic stem cells with chromosome 18q loss
Lei et al. 2024, Stem Cell Reports...Children born after assisted reproduction more commonly carry a mitochondrial genotype associating with low birthweight
Mertens et al., 2024, Nature Communications...Gains of 20q11.21 in human pluripotent stem cells: Insights from cancer research
Krivec et al. 2023, Stem Cell Reports...An update on human pre- and peri-implantation development: a blueprint for blastoids
David et al. 2023, Current Opinions in Genetics & Development...ISSCR standards for the use of human stem cells in basic research
Ludwig et al. 2023, Stem Cell Reports...Lineage segregation in human pre-implantation embryos is specified by YAP1 and TEAD1
Regin and Essahib et al. 2023, Human Reproduction...A conserved role of Hippo signaling in initiation of the first lineage specification event across mammals
Gerri et al. 2023, Development...A systematic review and evidence assessment of monogenic gene–disease relationships in human female infertility and differences in sex development
Van der Kelen et al. 2022, Human Reproduction UpdateThe consequences of recurrent genetic and epigenetic variants in human pluripotent stem cells
Andrews et al. 2022, Cell Stem Cell...ESHRE survey results and good practice recommendations on managing chromosomal mosaicism
ESHRE Working Group on Chromosomal Mosaicism et al. 2022, Human Reproduction OpenOn the origins and fate of chromosomal abnormalities in human preimplantation embryos: an unsolved riddle
Regin et al. 2022, Molecular Human ReproductionMeasuring Early Germ-Layer Specification Bias in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Alex Keller, Nusa Krivec, Claudia Spits, Stem Cell Assays pp 57–72Malformations of cerebral development and clues from the peripheral nervous system: A systematic literature review
Rijckmans et al. 2022, European Journal of Paediatric NeurologyUndetectable viral RNA in follicular fluid, cumulus cells and endometrial tissue samples in SARS-CoV-2 positive women
Boudry and Essahib et al. 2022, Fertility and SterilityImpaired catabolism of free oligosaccharides due to MAN2C1 variants causes a neurodevelopmental disorder
Maia, Potelle and Yildirim et al. 2022, American Journal of Human GeneticsMitochondrial DNA variants segregate during human preimplantation development into genetically different cell lineages that are maintained postnatally
Mertens et al. 2022, Molecular Human GeneticsSARS-CoV-2 host receptors ACE2 and CD147 (BSG) are present on human oocytes and blastocysts
Essahib et al. 2020, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and geneticsInitiation of a conserved trophectoderm program in human, cow and mouse embryos
Gerri et al. 2020, NaturePluripotent Stem Cells for Regenerative Medicine
Special Issue Editor of Cells: Prof. Dr. Claudia SpitsSustained intrinsic WNT and BMP4 activation impairs hESC differentiation to definitive endoderm and drives the cells towards extra-embryonic mesoderm
Markouli and Couvreu De Deckersberg et al. 2021, Scientific ReportsHigh-throughput micropatterning platform reveals Nodal-dependent bisection of peri-gastrulation–associated versus preneurulation-associated fate patterning
Tewary and Dziedzicka et al. 2019, PLOS BiologyUncovering low-level mosaicism in human embryonic stem cells using high throughput single cell shallow sequencing
Keller et al. 2019, Scientific ReportsGain of 20q11.21 in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Impairs TGF-β-Dependent Neuroectodermal Commitment
Markouli et al. 2019, Stem Cell ReportsDetection of Heteroplasmic Variants in the Mitochondrial Genome through Massive Parallel Sequencing
Mertens and Zambelli et al. 2019, Bio-protocol